Mistress Jacky had a bone to pick with her professor and she chose to do it in a way he would understand. Since he had feelings for her, she felt it was better for her to use her cuckolding fetish to dominate him. That way, she would get to his core and would hurt him deeply. She put the plan in motion and she got what she wanted out of it.
When this mistress noticed that she was dealing with a serial debt defaulter, she had to find a new way to get her money. So she used cuckolding fetish to force the guy to pay. The guy was made to suck another man's dick and swallow his cum and it degraded and humiliated him so much that he had no choice but to pay her so as to avoid such degradation again.
Mistress BlackDiamoond was angered when her man cheated on her. She had to make sure he learned never to do that again. So she used her cuckold fetish to dominate as well as teach him a lesson. She made him a cuck and had him drink another man's cum after she had fucked the other man to get his seed in a used condom. Her boyfriend never cheated again after that.
Mistress Zephy had no time for this cuck and she had to dominate and humiliate him. She did it for fun and to send a message. She trampled him and had fun laughing at how he looked. She even had him lick her barefeet and watch as she flirted with another man on video chat. By the time she let him go, he had learned a lesson he would not forget.
This mistress had an elaborate plan to cuckold her husband because he had done some things she did not like. He had cheated on her and she was so pissed at him that she felt that the best thing to do to him was to dominate and torture him which she did by making him watch her entertain another man. He could not do anything about it but he learned from it.
This mistress was out to scare her husband and she did it with her cuckold fetish. She made him watch her make out with another man but at least she did not fuck him. She had her husband lick the feet of the guy she was making out with and hers as well before it all ended and she told her husband that she was capable of much more than that.
Lady Phoenix wanted to teach her friend about cuckold fetish because she felt that her friend needed to learn that skill. It would come in handy when dealing with an annoying boyfriend or a cheating spouse. So she made her friend watch as she teased and denied her man while at the same time pleasing someone else. It was humiliating and degrading to the guy but her friend learned how it was done.
Mistress Zephy felt that she needed to be spoiled by her boyfriend. She had been with him through it all and she had been patient with him. But when he got money he did not bother to spoil her and he took her for granted. So she cuckolded him to show him that she had options and that she was not chained to him like he might have been thinking.
Lady Naomi had needs and she wanted them satisfied but her husband was not up to the task and she had to find a way to deal with him. She planned how to cuckold him and she did it as cruelly as possible so as to send a message to him. She teased another man and told him how she was going to fuck his brains out and he told her the dirty things he would do to her all of this while her husband listed and was made to lick and smell her ass.
Mistress Madison is the kind of person who does not like to let simple things like being cheated on give her sleepless nights. When she realized that she had been cheated on, she planned her own but it was better than what had been done to her. She cuckolded her boyfriend and made him watch her being fucked hard. And needless to say, he never cheated on her ever again.